Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Home sweet home

Only 4 days have passed since we collected Blue, and brought him home. Each day is all about Blue, and will be for some time yet to come.

Each day he has become more settled, and his recovery has been helped by the way in which he accepts support,  and works with us.

It is amusing the will power he has, as I write this blog he has herded Sue into the room with me and then settled under the dining table.

Blue is eating and resting, as he should be, exercise is limited to short walks into the garden, supported with a sling, and attached to his rope lead. Once in the morning and once in the evening, we venture across the road to some grassed area, where he likes to do his business, which has been nice and healthy.

Our strategy with Blue when he was first home was to get him into the garden every two hours through the night, to ensure his bladder did not get overfull, that now has already extended to four hours.

Blue remains in his crate at night, wearing his "Procone" a softer version of the buster collar, much more user friendly. Sue sleeps down stairs on an emergency guest bed with one eye on Blue through the night.

Blue only occasionally bears any weight on his rear right leg, though the Specialist did advise, it could be a month or so before he began to use it. At the moment he uses it to balance only, often on tip-toes, and occasionally when doing a bunny hop while walking.

Medication has been a bit of a challenge, especially the antibiotic one, a large pink tablet, that is supposed to be palatable, but not according to Blue. We have tried numerous ways, but he was not taking it, and it was getting more difficult. A lady at work suggested, crushing the tablet mixing it with water and firing down the back of his throat with a syringe, some how I thought no that is not a good idea. However the crushing of the tablet and putting it in yogurt might be a happy alternative, still Blue was not convinced.

This morning we tried to grind the tablet with a rolling pin and bowl, with slightly more success.

Medication twice daily

So for £5 we have invested in a pestle & mortar, ground the tablet to a finer powder mixed in with his main meal and hey presto down the hatch it went without too much fuss.

That is also one of the great things about sharing, and caring, people at work ask how Blue is on a daily basis, and whatever your facing as a challenge, they suggest ways to try and help.

We have no results yet, and live very much one day at a time, I thought it would be nice to share the little milestones Blue has achieved so far.

The scar is significant, but looking clean and healthy, and Blue likes to preserve his modesty, so here he is resting, by the dining room table.

The benefits of crate rest can not be underestimated, the benefit of crate training and the calmness it brings pay huge dividends in circumstances such as Blue is facing.

This path that we walk with Blue has a long way to go,  but each twist and turn along the way, will be met head on together. 

A close friend "Anne" has been very supportive, helping out with Blue, one of a very small privileged few that can get close to Blue, but that might be because she has a female Pug called Daisy, who Blue has a soft spot for. 

Many thanks goes out from Blue, Sue and me for the support, and that is also extended across to America, where "Ash" lives, whom I spoke with on the phone on Sunday. The power of the internet never fails to astound me.

Blue has a growing "Twitter" and internet family that care very much about him and are very supportive, they know who they are and the three of us are eternally grateful; 

@Rod1871 @Bluesmummy @BluetheGSD 

Thank you all 

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