Saturday, 9 August 2014

Something old, something borrowed, something new and something Blue!

Something old
Having a bit of a spring clean at home, and found Blue's old buster collar, before we threw it out we put it on him, a little bit of a squeeze but on it went, he looked so chuffed, it stirred up the memory of what it was used for, his rehabilitation fro his back surgery, when he was less than one year old.

Safe to say we have had a change of heart, and it is staying.

As you can see from comparison to a new one his has been modified.

We had already gone through a couple, the modifications were essential to allow Blue to enter and exit his crate safely, the duct tape was to reduce the splitting which occurred on a regular basis.

So for sentimental reasons, we will put away safely for memories another day.

Something borrowed

When I say borrowed it is more like found. While on our walk this morning, out of nowhere Blue walked straight up to a hedge and pulled this ball out. He has been known to do this on many occasions, so we rarely have to buy him replacement footballs to play with. I can only assume he finds them through scent, as often they are out of sight, he will rummage through the undergrowth or hedge and pop out proudly with a ball in his mouth.

Something new
After a bit of exchange on Twitter, it was decided to buy Blue a new Squeaky, this took the form of a duck. What made this a little more unusual, Blue actually went into the shop and help select it.
This morning Blue got his new toy and a whole new experience of shopping. We went into "Pets at Home" Rose Kiln Lane, Reading. To say Blue was excited is an understatement, the phrase like a kid in a sweet shop springs to mind, sniffing everything. However he was a bit like Bambi on ice, he struggled to get a grip on the slippery floor with his big furry paws, but after a few moments he soon learnt not too pull so hard. The staff were great, just allowed him to do as he pleased, and Blue was a model dog on his shopping expedition. No free samples on offer, but that did not seem to bother Blue. He will return no doubt, his favourite shop now.

While we were at Pets at Home, we purchased a new harness for Blue, which will be reviewed in his next Blog.

Finally something Blue

Blue standing majestically in his garden

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